A journey to my dear bloggers, and I argue is a good thing, but please say know, you're sure things, not the irresponsible nonsense talk. It boring! Such as "Sino-Japanese war write the history of Japan Chengri clean war, "this generous people laugh, then Yi, I asked to go to looking through the history books and then say, OK? If you really do not know then do not say!
There are, as a Chinese student in Japan, China does not say a little something in Japan you feel right, just like the United States that other countries are not allowed to hold nuclear weapons, as untenable! Since then the Chinese Japan then why not run in Japan to learn ah? Japan's something not right eh!!! is too hypocritical now!! on the front of a Chinese female student met two days, went to Japan specifically to study China also read Dr., and China are 38 and still read Dr. ~ do not know what to say just as I'm really ashamed Oh.
There are a response yesterday, friends, friendship reminder, do not appear after the best characteristics of China's socialist society is these words, left China for too long you may not understand Chinese!! Now the new leader Old set of easy to kick out the leaders of the class struggle! is now China, I can criticize textbooks distort the political book crap!! but will not let harmonized. However, you said that China still has the characteristics of socialism is estimated to lead people to harmony!! why, because textbooks are compiled by the old leaders ~ ~ tampered with the current leaders also does not matter!! current President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen is the greatest achievement of a harmonious society proposed by advocacy and practice! I flaunt what you say Big Brother Ad Hoc socialist, this is not the people President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen gave denied all, this is not with the President, the Prime Minister, with the party, with the communists and disharmony with national elements destabilize it? Is it to Japan for many years to forget the kindness of the party who brought you? mouth toward the Chinese said, but the language is occasionally exercise in self-revealing, anti-party anti-social anti-national elements and atmosphere of disharmony? this is really terrible!! abroad for a long time, does not mean you can confidently traitorous! I say that is because the Chinese textbook nonsense, I fear this country! I fear the next generation of this country, because they are the country's future, Whether I'll go, my country has a bright future, is my desire! because no matter how my future, I will not change my Chinese nationality!! so Guorong my glory, unlike some people thinking about how to join other people's nationality!! no traitor or what?
Blindly always said that China is heavenly on the country's people, you follow the running dogs of the Qing government What is the difference? Countries to correct mistakes in a timely manner, out of comparison compared with other countries to see where the bad, to tell people, can be corrected more Powerful! However, if all the hype, only to lag behind in this country! exposed after the end is beaten!! no difference between this and the traitor! really worried about a few people in this country? Anyway, most active overseas Chinese have no such concern for the fate!! real concern for the fate would not seek refuge in other countries, the mouth is now estimated that many students in Japan who said patriotism, people in Japan today, tomorrow, with their nationality, they are not Chinese, right!? sad! Please tell a lot of people say the next time that China is a harmonious society, rather than what is contained in a socialist society seven chaos!!!
There's always said not to indulge in the Nanjing Massacre, the Japanese vicious remarks we have to hate the Japanese!! Wen Jiabao has said, we do not hold hatred of Chinese people live the future!! Prime Minister he had finished talking for a week it, the Japanese seem to have all know!! But a lot of Chinese people in Japan do not have to know! also be said that their fellow citizens in Japan to leave the country for too long, the news of the motherland, it is lack of knowledge of the motherland ah! ! our China, for a better tomorrow to give up the past of hatred, let go, which shows us that contains all the Chinese people's mind is how great! That is why we can take off in China was the root cause! those in Japan, Haizui Japan said the Japanese hate the Chinese people, ah, you already do not have to build the great motherland, a broad mind, the future is that China needs the prime minister goes to punt rather than petty little man, I for 1.3 billion Chinese people say to you. If Japan really give you a nationality, and quickly took the Do not let go! Even if people do not want to tell them to have 削尖了脑袋! Japanese as a traitor for the other countries are very good talk! you see each group of the Philippines does not give the nationality of a traitor! (the most despised person in the Philippines is simply disgusting) ~ ~ ~ so we will be more proud to say that I am a Chinese person!
PS: As a Chinese living in Japan, by an entertainment program can lead to so thin that the "food for thought" is, I do not feel any shame, because for you I can only say that sparrow Andhra swan! ! but left China only a few years, even our great country do not know what society's MGZ! to be dragged out of shot!
还有作为一个在日本的中国留学生,稍微说点中国不对日本对的事情你们就觉得不对,这个就跟美国拿着核武器不准别的国家有一样,站不住脚的!既然中国那么对,日本那么不对干吗跑日本来学习啊?日本的东西不对诶!!! 也太虚伪了吧!!就跟前两天碰到个中国女留学生特意跑到日本来学习中国还读到博士了,都38了还在读中国博士一样~不知道说什么好只是真让我觉得丢人哦.
还有不要一味的总说南京大屠杀,日本人狠毒我们要恨死日本人的言论!!温总理已经说了,我们中国人未来不会抱着仇恨活着!! 总理说完这话一个礼拜了吧,日本人好像也都知道了!!可是很多在日本得中国人却不知道!也可能说在日本的同胞们他们离开祖国太久了,对于祖国的消息,祖国的知识实在是欠缺啊!!我们的中国,为了更美好的明天放弃从前的仇恨,不计前嫌,这说明了我们中国人能够海纳百川的胸襟是多么伟大!这也是为什么我们中国能够腾飞起来得根本原因!那些在日本,还嘴上说恨日本的在日本的中国人们啊,你们已经不具备建设伟大祖国的,宽广胸怀了,未来的中国需要的是肚里能撑船的宰相,而不是心胸狭窄的小人,所以我替13亿中国人跟你们说.日本要是真给你国籍,赶紧拿着千万别放手!就算人家不给也要削尖了脑袋跟他们要!日本人好像对于别国叛徒都挺好说话的!你看那群菲律宾卖国贼不各个都给国籍了!(最瞧不起就菲律宾人了恶心简直)~~~那样我们就会更骄傲的说我是个中国人了!
PS:作为一个身在日本的中国人,能由一个娱乐性节目所引来这么单薄的“深思”是我,我不感到什么羞愧,因为对于你我只能说,燕雀安得鸿鹄之志!! 但是离开中国才几年,连我们伟大的祖国是什么社会都不知道了的MGZ!就应该拖出去枪毙!
There are, as a Chinese student in Japan, China does not say a little something in Japan you feel right, just like the United States that other countries are not allowed to hold nuclear weapons, as untenable! Since then the Chinese Japan then why not run in Japan to learn ah? Japan's something not right eh!!! is too hypocritical now!! on the front of a Chinese female student met two days, went to Japan specifically to study China also read Dr., and China are 38 and still read Dr. ~ do not know what to say just as I'm really ashamed Oh.
There are a response yesterday, friends, friendship reminder, do not appear after the best characteristics of China's socialist society is these words, left China for too long you may not understand Chinese!! Now the new leader Old set of easy to kick out the leaders of the class struggle! is now China, I can criticize textbooks distort the political book crap!! but will not let harmonized. However, you said that China still has the characteristics of socialism is estimated to lead people to harmony!! why, because textbooks are compiled by the old leaders ~ ~ tampered with the current leaders also does not matter!! current President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen is the greatest achievement of a harmonious society proposed by advocacy and practice! I flaunt what you say Big Brother Ad Hoc socialist, this is not the people President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen gave denied all, this is not with the President, the Prime Minister, with the party, with the communists and disharmony with national elements destabilize it? Is it to Japan for many years to forget the kindness of the party who brought you? mouth toward the Chinese said, but the language is occasionally exercise in self-revealing, anti-party anti-social anti-national elements and atmosphere of disharmony? this is really terrible!! abroad for a long time, does not mean you can confidently traitorous! I say that is because the Chinese textbook nonsense, I fear this country! I fear the next generation of this country, because they are the country's future, Whether I'll go, my country has a bright future, is my desire! because no matter how my future, I will not change my Chinese nationality!! so Guorong my glory, unlike some people thinking about how to join other people's nationality!! no traitor or what?
Blindly always said that China is heavenly on the country's people, you follow the running dogs of the Qing government What is the difference? Countries to correct mistakes in a timely manner, out of comparison compared with other countries to see where the bad, to tell people, can be corrected more Powerful! However, if all the hype, only to lag behind in this country! exposed after the end is beaten!! no difference between this and the traitor! really worried about a few people in this country? Anyway, most active overseas Chinese have no such concern for the fate!! real concern for the fate would not seek refuge in other countries, the mouth is now estimated that many students in Japan who said patriotism, people in Japan today, tomorrow, with their nationality, they are not Chinese, right!? sad! Please tell a lot of people say the next time that China is a harmonious society, rather than what is contained in a socialist society seven chaos!!!
There's always said not to indulge in the Nanjing Massacre, the Japanese vicious remarks we have to hate the Japanese!! Wen Jiabao has said, we do not hold hatred of Chinese people live the future!! Prime Minister he had finished talking for a week it, the Japanese seem to have all know!! But a lot of Chinese people in Japan do not have to know! also be said that their fellow citizens in Japan to leave the country for too long, the news of the motherland, it is lack of knowledge of the motherland ah! ! our China, for a better tomorrow to give up the past of hatred, let go, which shows us that contains all the Chinese people's mind is how great! That is why we can take off in China was the root cause! those in Japan, Haizui Japan said the Japanese hate the Chinese people, ah, you already do not have to build the great motherland, a broad mind, the future is that China needs the prime minister goes to punt rather than petty little man, I for 1.3 billion Chinese people say to you. If Japan really give you a nationality, and quickly took the Do not let go! Even if people do not want to tell them to have 削尖了脑袋! Japanese as a traitor for the other countries are very good talk! you see each group of the Philippines does not give the nationality of a traitor! (the most despised person in the Philippines is simply disgusting) ~ ~ ~ so we will be more proud to say that I am a Chinese person!
PS: As a Chinese living in Japan, by an entertainment program can lead to so thin that the "food for thought" is, I do not feel any shame, because for you I can only say that sparrow Andhra swan! ! but left China only a few years, even our great country do not know what society's MGZ! to be dragged out of shot!
还有作为一个在日本的中国留学生,稍微说点中国不对日本对的事情你们就觉得不对,这个就跟美国拿着核武器不准别的国家有一样,站不住脚的!既然中国那么对,日本那么不对干吗跑日本来学习啊?日本的东西不对诶!!! 也太虚伪了吧!!就跟前两天碰到个中国女留学生特意跑到日本来学习中国还读到博士了,都38了还在读中国博士一样~不知道说什么好只是真让我觉得丢人哦.
还有不要一味的总说南京大屠杀,日本人狠毒我们要恨死日本人的言论!!温总理已经说了,我们中国人未来不会抱着仇恨活着!! 总理说完这话一个礼拜了吧,日本人好像也都知道了!!可是很多在日本得中国人却不知道!也可能说在日本的同胞们他们离开祖国太久了,对于祖国的消息,祖国的知识实在是欠缺啊!!我们的中国,为了更美好的明天放弃从前的仇恨,不计前嫌,这说明了我们中国人能够海纳百川的胸襟是多么伟大!这也是为什么我们中国能够腾飞起来得根本原因!那些在日本,还嘴上说恨日本的在日本的中国人们啊,你们已经不具备建设伟大祖国的,宽广胸怀了,未来的中国需要的是肚里能撑船的宰相,而不是心胸狭窄的小人,所以我替13亿中国人跟你们说.日本要是真给你国籍,赶紧拿着千万别放手!就算人家不给也要削尖了脑袋跟他们要!日本人好像对于别国叛徒都挺好说话的!你看那群菲律宾卖国贼不各个都给国籍了!(最瞧不起就菲律宾人了恶心简直)~~~那样我们就会更骄傲的说我是个中国人了!
PS:作为一个身在日本的中国人,能由一个娱乐性节目所引来这么单薄的“深思”是我,我不感到什么羞愧,因为对于你我只能说,燕雀安得鸿鹄之志!! 但是离开中国才几年,连我们伟大的祖国是什么社会都不知道了的MGZ!就应该拖出去枪毙!
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